COVID-19 Exposures

Were you exposed to COVID-19?

Being exposed to COVID-19 means you were in close contact (15 minutes or more across a 24-hour time period) with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 and you may need to quarantine. The guidance below is based on the CDC guidelines published in August 2022.

Regardless of whether or not you have symptoms of COVID-19, you are expected to take the following precautions for 10 full days after the day you were last exposed (with the exposure day being day 0):

  • As soon as you find out you were exposed, begin wearing a well-fitting mask anytime you are around others, including at home/your campus housing, 校园, 在公共场合. Avoid people who are immunocompromised or at high risk for severe disease, 养老院, and other high-risk settings.
  • Watch for symptoms including a fever (100.4* or greater), cough, or shortness of breath. If you develop symptoms, isolate immediately, 进行测试, and stay home or in your campus housing until you know the result. If your test result is positive, complete the  COVID-19 Reporting Form,跟随 CDC isolation recommendations, and review UE’s web page for If you test positive for COVID-19.
  • Do not go to places where you are unable to wear a mask (e.g. restaurants), and avoid eating around others at home and at work.
    • Dining: You are not permitted to eat in any dining halls, designated eating spaces, other shared spaces, or at any events/gatherings (including outdoor events/gatherings with eating/drinking), even if others are eating/drinking. You are required to eat in single occupancy spaces or outside.
      If you are a residential student, you may request a Pick-Up Meal or a Delivery online.
    • Fitness Center: You cannot enter the UE Fitness Center (except for employees who work in these facilities, in which case they must remain masked).
  • Get tested at least 5 full days after your last exposure (even if you do not have symptoms). If you test negative, continue to wear a mask around others at home 在公共场合 through day 10. If you test positive (even without symptoms), isolate immediately and complete the  COVID-19 Reporting Form.

How do I quarantine or isolate at UE? (Residential students only)

Please visit our Quarantine and Isolation on 校园 网页.

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